... the 16th January, 2006 issue of wwwtools for teachers is all about the potential of Mobile / Cell Phones in Education with links to various presentations by Nesta Futurelabs and Marc Prensky etc. Topics touched upon include The Possibilities, Thoughts on Pedagogy, The Hardware, Examples of Features, Applications, and Services, Mobile Phones in Educational Practice, and Classroom Applications.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Friday, January 06, 2006
DOES DISTANCE LEARNING WORK ? - Well, there's a lot of people working where I work that think it does, at least, the way we do it with the students that we have ... many of whom wouldn't be able to study if we didn't do it. But this paper by James Koch of the Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA, might answer some of the fears of Distance Learning doubters ...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
OK ... this could be useful. Not to suggest that students should be chased up as if they were crooks, but the idea of sending reminders about what they should be working on this week, assignment due dates, or tutorials etc might be a good idea. Especially if it's possible to do it automatically as this article seems to suggest. Most folk these days have a mobile phone, and many of us do use them for text messages ... Courts chase criminals with SMS - Public Sector - Breaking Business and Technology News at silicon.com